Icelanders have a great selection of interesting and delicious ancient food. In the old days Icelanders didn’t have much food choice so do they devolep meat and fish that could last longer. They exploited the food to the full. Like when Icelanders eat lamb, they often eat most of the parts of the lamb. The best meat is the leg and the head (we even eat the eyes, the tounge and also the testicles). Other of examples of what Icelanders eat is: jelly made of the sheep head, smoked lamb, blood pudding (made of the lamb blood) and liver pudding, salted lamb, dried fish and also normal fish, greenland shark (it is let rotten because of the uric acid that is mortal), sausage, hot dog and rye pancakes.
We also like cruller (like a twisted doughnut), icelandic chocolate and licorice, cocktail sauce (made of mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard), and the very famous skyr.

Here is one of the Icelandic santa clauses with Icelandic sausage
Here is a plate with many kinds of Icelandic traditional food. For example 8: smoked lamb. 7: Dried fish. 6: Sheap head jelly. 3: Greenaland Shark.
The delicious coctail sauce which all the Icelanders love
Here is Bill Clinton (former president of the United States)
eating our world famous hot dog.
And at last but not at least our world winning Glacial Water
But please attention our dear Chinese friends, we do not eat this in a daily basis. Yes, we drink alot of water and sometimes have hot dogs but we also eat Pizzas, Hamburgers, Spaghetti and also Chinese food. Chinese food has become very popular here in Iceland.
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