Sunday, April 27, 2008

The vikings

The vikings traveled around the sea from Norway, Denmark and Sweden. They lived on the viking century from 800-1100 and most of them where farmers and had a family. They lived on farming and had cows and sheep and hunted fish with a net and harpoon. They had many hobbies like chess, singing ,saying poems and entertaining others with magic tricks.
on summer the swam in springs and lakes and on winter the went skiing.

They sailed to different countries and rob women mostly from The Great Brittan and money, fought and fond new countries .

Naddoddur went to Iceland and was the first to stay over winter and when he left he saw snow in the mountains and named the country Snowland.

Garðar Svavarson was from Sweden and he was looking for Snowland he arrived to east Iceland and sailed around it and found out it was an island so he named it Garðar's island.

Raven-Flóki went to Iceland after Garðar he didn't made any hay so his sheep died in the winter. He was very pissed off and when he left was much ice in the sea so he named the country Iceland.

Ingólfur Arnarsson was the first man to move to Iceland to live there , his farm was Reykjavík and there is the capital now.


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